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Why buyers must factor in work-from-home spaces before purchasing property

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s the importance of having access to spaces that allow us to work from home productively. If you’re in the market to purchase a new property, you should consider this factor before signing on the dotted line.

We’ve outlined the three key reasons why you should purchase property with a sufficient work from home space.

  1. Working from your bed or couch is no longer sufficient (or acceptable!)

After two years of living through lockdowns and restrictions, Melbournians will know by now that the humble couch or bed setup is not sufficient for long periods of working from home. Aside from the negative effects on your posture and health, a proper office desk and chair setup is crucial for your productivity.

With the rise of virtual meetings, employers expect their staff to appear on camera in a professional manner – which includes a clean office space on display. As much as you may try, you cannot avoid turning your camera on forever!

  1. You cannot rely on public spaces for remote work

While coffee shops and libraries offer a great temporary solution for remote work, public spaces should not be solely relied on by employees working from home for long periods of time. Aside from the challenge of relying on public WiFi networks (which some employers prohibit due to the vulnerability of these connections), future lockdowns or restrictions may prevent you from working in these spaces.

  1. When working from home long term, social interaction is a must

There’s plenty of data and science to suggest that employees need social interaction to work productively and feel a sense of positivity in their day-to-day schedule. When you’re working from home, getting your daily dose of social interaction is no easy feat. While phone and video calls can temporarily bridge the gap, one way to bolster your social interaction is to set up your office in a communal, co-working space.

Residential precincts like Millhouse Residence address this gap in the work-from-home market. With a rooftop garden and dedicated co-working areas, you can enjoy a range of spaces within Millhouse while you work remotely. These communal spaces allow residents to work in a COVID-safe manner, with socially distanced desk in the dedicated co-working space and plenty of ventilation in the rooftop garden. Millhouse provides a variety of shared spaces, from quiet alcoves for time alone to landscaped expanses perfect for socialising and making new connections. The rooftop garden will be a charming sanctuary for relaxing with friends, while the coworking space opens onto a terrace for casual meetings in the fresh air.

At Millhouse Residence, our three-bedroom terraces offer multiple balconies and expansive spaces, while the one-bedroom town-homes offer private street entrances, long frontages and floor to-ceiling windows. A mix of one, two, and three-bedroom homes allows for various layouts and work-from-home options, while generous balconies and large terraces provide spaces to entertain outdoors. Additionally, with a co-working space on offer and located just 5km from the Melbourne CBD, Millhouse Residence is the perfect place for young professionals to call home. Apartments are now selling from $398,000.